Wissenschaftliche Publikationen 2018

  1. Abdel Naser BM, Wollina U, Lohan M, Zouboulis CC, Altenburg A (2018) Schistosomiasis (Bilharziasis) ova: an incidental finding in testicular tissue of an obstructive azoospermic male. Andrologia 50:e13131
  2. Altenburg A, Augustin M, Zouboulis CC (2018) Biologikanebenwirkungen bei Psoriasis. Hautarzt 69:290-297
  3. Chernyshov PV, Zouboulis CC, Tomas-Aragones L, Jemec G, Manolache L, Tzellos T, Sampogna F, Evers AWM, Dessinioti C, Marron SE, Bettoli V, van Cranenburgh O, Svensson A, Liakou A, Poot F, Szepietowski JC, Salek MS, Finlay AY (2018) Quality of life measurement in acne. Position paper of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Task Forces on Quality of Life and Patient Oriented Outcomes and Acne, Rosacea and Hidradenitis Suppurativa. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 32:194-208
  4. Daeschlein G, Rutkowski R, Lutze S, von Podewils S, Sicher C, Wild T, Metelmann HR, von Woedkte T, Jünger M (2018) Hyperspectral imaging: innovative diagnostics to visualize hemodynamic effects of cold plasma in wound therapy. Biomed Tech (Berl) 63:603-608
  5. Gancevičienė R, Lukavičiūtė L, Navickas P, Navickas A (2018) Aknés itaka emociniams sutrikimams. Sveikatos Mokslai 28(3):30-35 (litauisch)
  6. Kippenberger S, Kleemann J, Meissner M, Steinhorst K, Müller J, Zouboulis CC, Kaufmann R, Zöller N (2018) Activation of PKB/Akt and p44/42 by mechanical stretch utilizes desmosomal structures and the keratin filament. J Dermatol Sci 89:241–247
  7. Kulcke A, Holmer A, Wahl P, Siemers F, Wild T, Daeschlein G (2018) A compact hyperspectral camera for measurement of perfusion parameters in medicine. Biomed Tech (Berl) 63:519-527
  8. Lacey N, Russell-Hallinan A, Zouboulis CC, Powell FC (2018) Demodex mites modulate sebocyte immune reaction: Possible role in the pathogenesis of rosacea. Br J Dermatol 179:420-430
  9. Lanzer P, Zouboulis C (2018) Media sclerosis Mönckeberg affects microcirculation. Cor Vasa 60 e533-e535
  10. Liu W, Wang Q, Tuo J, Chang Y, Ying J, Jiang M, Zouboulis CC, Xiang L (2018) ALA-PDT suppressing the cell growth by Akt-/Erk-mTOR-p70 s6k pathway in human SZ95 sebocytes in vitro. Photodiagnosis Photodyn Ther 24:1-6
  11. Mattii M, Lovászi M, Garzorz N, Atenhan A, Quaranta M, Lauffer F, Konstantinow A, Küpper M, Zouboulis CC, Kemeny L, Eyerich K, Schmidt-Weber CB, Törőcsik D, Eyerich S (2018) Sebocytes contribute to skin inflammation by promoting the differentiation of Th17 cells. Br J Dermatol 178:722-730
  12. Merk HF, Zouboulis CC (2018) Kutane Nebenwirkungen zielgerichteter Therapien. Hautarzt 69:266-267
  13. Nagelreiter IM, Parvardeh M, Narzt MS, Beer L, Kremslehner C, Muresan XM, Grillari J, Zouboulis CC, Tschachler E, Gruber F (2018) OLR1 scavenger receptor knockdown affects mitotic gene expression but is dispensable for oxidized phospholipid mediated stress signaling in SZ95 sebocytes. Mech Ageing Dev 172:35-44
  14. Nguyen CT, Sah SK, Zouboulis CC, Kim TY (2018) Inhibitory effects of superoxide dismutase 3 on Propionibacterium acnes-induced skin inflammation. Sci Rep 8:4024 (Erratum: 2018;8:13150)
  15. Nikolakis G, Makrantonaki E, Zouboulis CC (2018) Experimental models of human skin aging. In: Ram JL, Conn PM (eds) Conn’s Handbook of Models for Human Aging. 2nd ed, Academic Press, London, pp 763-767
  16. Orfanos CE, Assaf Ch, Zouboulis CC (2018) Pigmented Ethnic Skin and Imported Dermatoses. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, ISBN 978-3-319-69421-4
  17. Padovese V, Dassoni F, Zouboulis CC (2018) Insect bites, tick bites, and stings. In: Orfanos CE, Assaf Ch, Zouboulis CC (eds) Diseases in Pigmented Ethnic Skin and Imported Dermatoses. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, pp 155-171
  18. Recke A, Konitzer S, Lemcke S, Freitag M, Sommer NM, Abdelhady M, Amoli MM, Benoit S, El-Chennawy F, Eldarouti M, Eming R, Gläser R, Günther C, Hadaschik E, Homey B, Lieb W, Peitsch WK,Pföhler C, Robati RM, Saeedi M, Sárdy M, Sticherling M, Uzun S, Worm M, Zillikens D, Ibrahim S, Vidarsson G, Schmidt E; German AIBD Genetic Study Group (2018) The p.Arg435His Variation of IgG3 With High Affinity to FcRn Is Associated With Susceptibility for Pemphigus Vulgaris-Analysis of Four Different Ethnic Cohorts. Front Immunol 9:1788
  19. Riis PT, Saunte DM, Benhadou F, del Marmol V, Guillem P, El-Domyati M, Abdel-Wahab H, Antoniou C, Dessinioti C, Ali Gürer M, Beksaç B, Szepietowski JC, Matusiak L, Emtestam L, Lapins J, Riad H, Doss N, Massa AF, Hamzavi I, Nicholson C, Dolenc-Voljc M, Kim KH, Ohn J, Zouboulis CC, Karagiannidis I, Durienc P, Bukvic Mokos Z, Jemec GBE (2018) Low and high body mass index in Hidradenitis suppurativa patients – different subtypes? J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 32:307-312
  20. Schneider M, Zouboulis CC (2018) Primary sebocytes and sebaceous gland cell lines for studying sebaceous lipogenesis and sebaceous gland diseases. Exp Dermatol 27:484-488
  21. Sicher C, Rutkowski R, Lutze S, von Podewils S, Wild T, Kretching M, Daeschlein G (2018) Hyperspectral imaging as a possible tool for visualization of changes in hemoglobin oxygenation in patients with deficient hemodynamics - proof of concept. Biomed Tech (Berl) 63:609-616
  22. Teramoto Y, Keim U, Gesierich A, Schuler G, Tueting T, Ulrich C, Wollina U, Gutzmer R, Goerdt S, Zouboulis CC, Hassel J, Fiedler E, Leiter U, Eigentler TK, Garbe C (2018) Acral lentiginous melanoma - a skin cancer with unfavourable prognostic features. A study of the German Central Malignant Melanoma Registry (CMMR) in 2050 patients. Br J Dermatol 178:443-451
  23. Törőcsik D, Kovács D, Póliska S, Szentkereszty-Kovács Z, Lovászi M, Szegedi A, Zouboulis CC, Ståhle M (2018) Genome wide analysis of TLR2- and TLR4-activated SZ95 sebocytes reveals a complex immune-competence and identifies serum amyloid A as a marker for
  24. activated sebaceous glands. PLoS One 13:e0198323
  25. Wang Y, Hata TR, Tong YL, Kao M-S, Zouboulis CC, Gallo RL, Huang C-M (2018) The anti-inflammatory activities of Propionibacterium acnes CAMP factor-targeted acne vaccines. J Invest Dermatol 138:2355-2364
  26. Wild T, Becker M, Winter J, Schuhschenk N, Daeschlein G, Siemers F (2018) Hyperspectral imaging of tissue perfusion and oxygenation in wounds: assessing the impact of a micro capillary dressing. J Wound Care 27:38-51
  27. Xu DT, Yan JN, Liu W, Hou XX, Zheng Y, Jiang WW, Ju Q, Zouboulis CC, Wang XL (2018) Is human sebum the source of skin follicular ultraviolet-induced red fluorescence? A cellular to histological study. Dermatology 234:43-50
  28. Yang G, Yeon SH, Lee HE, Kang HC, Cho Y-Y, Lee HS, Zouboulis CC, Han S-H, Lee S-W, Lee JY (2018) Licochalcone A suppresses the key pathological factors contributing to acne, including NLRP3 inflammasome. Phytother Res 32:2551-2559
  29. Zákány N, Oláh A, Markovics A, Takács E, Aranyász A, Nicolussi S, Piscitelli F, Allarà M, Pór Á, Kovács I, Zouboulis CC, Gertsch J, Di Marzo V, Bíró T, Szabó T (2018) Endocannabinoid tone regulates human sebocyte biology. J Invest Dermatol 138:1699-1706
  30. Zouboulis CC (2018) A year between anniversaries but still so important. EADV News 65:3
  31. Zouboulis CC (2018) Adamantiades-Behçet disease. In: Kang S, Amagai M, Bruckner AL, Enk AH, Margolis DJ, McMichael AL, Orringer JS (eds) Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine. 9th ed, McGraw Hill, New York Chicago, in Druck
  32. Zouboulis CC (2018) Adulte Akne (Acne tarda) der Frau: Eine Herausforderung für den Dermatologen. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 16:1177-1179
  33. Zouboulis CC (2018) Dermatitis seborreica. In: Kaminsky A, Piquero Martín J, Herane MI, Diez de Medina JC, Flórez-White M (eds) Rosácea – Una visión integral. Sosa, Juan Alberto, Buenos Aires, pp 214-230 (spanisch)
  34. Zouboulis CC (2018) Dermatologische Therapie mit Kälte, Wärme oder elektromagnetischen Strahlen. In: Plewig G, Ruzicka T, Kaufmann R, Hertl M (Hrsg) Braun-Falco's Dermatologie, Venerologie und Allergologie. 7. Auflage, Springer, Heidelberg, pp 2105-2114
  35. Zouboulis CC (2018) EADV and the national societies. EADV News 68:3
  36. Zouboulis CC (2018) Skin Glands: Sebaceous, Eccrine, and Apocrine Glands. In: Kang S, Amagai M, Bruckner AL, Enk AH, Margolis DJ, McMichael AL, Orringer JS (eds) Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine. 9th ed, McGraw Hill, New York Chicago, in Druck
  37. Zouboulis CC (2018) The bridge. EADV News 67:3
  38. Zouboulis CC (2018) What is a disease? EADV News 66:3
  39. Zouboulis CC, Dassoni F (2018) Infestations and parasitoses. In: Orfanos CE, Assaf Ch, Zouboulis CC (eds) Diseases in Pigmented Ethnic Skin and Imported Dermatoses. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, pp 173-188
  40. Zouboulis CC, Elewa R, Ottaviani M, Fluhr J, Picardo M, Bernois A, Heusèler C, Camera E. (2018) Age influences the skin reaction pattern to mechanical stress and its repair level through skin care products. Mech Ageing Dev 170:98-105
  41. Zouboulis CC, Goyal M (2018) Hidradenitis suppurativa. In: Orfanos CE, Assaf Ch, Zouboulis CC (eds) Diseases in Pigmented Ethnic Skin and Imported Dermatoses. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, pp 219-228
  42. Zouboulis CC, Okoro E, Kubba R (2018) Acne in dark skin. In: Orfanos CE, Assaf Ch, Zouboulis CC (eds) Diseases in Pigmented Ethnic Skin and Imported Dermatoses. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, pp 203-217
  43. Zouboulis CC, Weidmann MJ, Har-Shai Y (2018) Keloidbehandlung mit intraläsionaler Kryochirurgie - Eine Differenzierung der Keloidformen zur Verbesserung der Patientenselektion. Akt Dermatol 44:100-108