Range of services in general and visceral surgery
Visceral surgery - literally translated = surgery of the intestines - is the surgery of the abdominal cavity, the thyroid and parathyroid glands as well as the surrounding structures such as the abdominal wall, the diaphragm and the lymph nodes of the neck, armpit and groin.
In particular, visceral surgery therefore includes operations on the diaphragm, the entire digestive tract (including the stomach, oesophagus, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, liver, gall bladder, pancreas and spleen) and the endocrine glands such as the adrenal gland, thyroid and parathyroid gland.
Our clinic is of course also there for you if you need surgery for a hernia, thigh, incisional or umbilical hernia.
As a modern and technically well-equipped clinic, we offer the entire spectrum of operations on the visceral organs, the abdominal wall, the endocrine glands and also the soft tissues, using both the classic open technique and minimally invasive procedures, i.e. the so-called keyhole technique. Treatment is carried out in accordance with international standards and the current guidelines of the relevant specialist associations. Of course, the individuality of each patient and the weighing up of benefits and risks for the patient concerned are of paramount importance. Especially for patients with malignant diseases, the treatment recommendation is always determined on an interdisciplinary basis in our expert conference - the so-called tumour board. Here, the best possible outcome is discussed for each individual patient, taking into account guidelines and the latest scientific findings.
A certified bowel centre and a certified hernia centre (centre for the treatment of abdominal wall hernias) are proof of our standardised approach, our experience and the quality of our results in the field of tumour treatment and the treatment of abdominal wall hernias.
The operations we offer and perform on a regular basis for benign or malignant diseases of the digestive tract affect the following organs
- oesophagus
- stomach
- liver
- Pancreas
- Gall bladder and bile ducts
- Small intestine
- Large intestine
- Rectum
Operations for benign or malignant diseases of endocrine organs:
- Thyroid gland
- Parathyroid gland
- Adrenal gland
Surgical treatment of the boundary structures of the abdominal cavity involves operations for
- Inguinal hernia
- umbilical hernia
- Incisional hernias
- diaphragmatic hernias
Zum Behandlungsspektrum unserer Klinik gehören zu dem weitere Operationen z.B.:
- am lymphatischen System (Milz und Lymphknoten)
- Blinddarmentfernung
- Port- und Dialysekatheter-Implantationen
- Operation von Weichteiltumoren
- Abszess- und Wundbehandlungen